The Crime of Uglyfication
A short courtroom drama, written by Jeanette Bell and Michelle Naismith, which highlighted issues concerning a patient who has been a long term resident of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. The film premiered at the Cameo cinema, Edinburgh.
The thing the remember in this is balance
The film shows two tango dancers dancing in a caravan at sunset within the grounds of Bangour Village Hospital and was created by Evelyn Whitefield, Anne Elliot and Michelle Naismith.
Are You Dancing?
Artists Alice Finbow and Anthony Schrag use everyday movements to create a piece of choreography to be rehearsed and performed by members of the Western General Hospital staff in the canteen one lunch time…….
Person or Persons Unknown
The starting point for Person or Persons Unknown were images and vocabulary created by the learning disabled performers. Choreographed by X-Factor’s artistic director, Alan Greig, and directed by Janice Parker, the piece was performed at Edinburgh’s Traverse Theatre.
A Paper Marriage
A video installation about bees and beekeeping was created and shown in the Western General Hospital, exhibiting the pastimes of a retired member of hospital staff within the hospital.
Artist Matias Ring experimenting before he makes a revolving platform which allows Rosalyn opportunities to view and interact with her surroundings.